Teaching Ideas

Explore jumping-off points that deepen discussions, inspire reading interest, and support connections to books and authors. Easily share and include in your instructional plans, newsletters, and social media.

Spring Activities on the Go, Women’s History, and More!

Women’s History Month

Celebrate and learn about women all year round!

Explore these additional featured resources about amazing women!

Book Readings

Catch your breath and vary voice in instruction at the same time!

Ready-to-go Activities!

Encourage family and community participation in reading with these activities!

Reader’s Theater Scripts

Explore our collection of Reader’s Theater Scripts. Involve your students by dividing them into groups to practice and perform their chosen script. Reader’s Theater benefits include...

  • Fluency development through repeated exposure to text

  • Engaging students in tracking, listening, and responding

  • Fostering teamwork and confidence

  • Energizing the narrative by reading with expression

  • Increasing comprehension and engagement with the text

Fun Explorations for Spring Break!